Coronavirus updates

Coronavirus updates

Update: April 18, 2022

Emergency Commission Order No 6 and Ministry of Education (MEC) orders 266 and 362


Update: February 4, 2022

Return to physical school from Monday 7th February


Update: January 22, 2022

Emergency Commission's decision nr. 2 from for all schools to be online (20.01.2022)


Update: October 29th, 2021

Letter regarding the Ministry announcement about schools' vacation extended to November 8th

Update: October 15th, 2021

"Our Next Normal" - A safe return to physical school strategy and matrix (updated)

Update: September 1st, 2021

"Our Next Normal" - A safe return to physical school strategy and matrix


Update: March 13th, 2021 

Letter regarding the Order No. 50 of 12.03.2021  

Update: March 4th, 2021

Letter regarding the Ministry announcement about all schools on vacation from the 5th March until the 15th March 

Update: February 26th, 2021

Heritage and Announcement for 1st-15th March

Update: September 25th, 2020 

Director's letter to parents

Update: August 25th, 2020 

1. Welcome Back Letter
2. Entrance Plan

Update: August 4th, 2020 

1. Director's Letter to Parents
2. "Our Next Normal" - A safe return to physical school strategy and matrix

Update: July 16th, 2020 

Updates regarding the safe return to school: Letter to Parents

Update: July 3rd, 2020 

Plan - Returning safely to the Heritage campus for September 2020

Update: May 4th, 2020 

Heritage International School Crisis Management Matrix: Coronavirus (updated on May 4th, 2020)

Update: March 15th, 2020


Update: March 12th, 2020

Dear Heritage Community,
We are pleased to confirm that we are 100% prepared to ensure the continuity of the educational process - online, through the DLP (Distance Learning Plan) tools, at the same quality level.
Under quarantine conditions, our ability to adapt, to apply new methods and our creativity are put to the test, but Heritage is up to the challenge!
Today we tested the functionality of the system and the processes, and tomorrow the lessons will be conducted according to the usual timetable, in LIVE mode, online.
Whatever happens, our children should be able to continue their studies.
Stay safe and keep learning!

Update: March 10th, 7 PM 

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research has announced by official order that universities,  schools and kindergartens are to be closed at least until Monday, 23rd of March.  Now, we are at Level 4 (High) on the Crisis Management Plan regarding the COVID-19. From tomorrow the learning process will continue through the Distance Learning Plan (DLP) tool available here: 
Under the DLP, Day 1 will be coordination and preparation. Day 2 is online light and we test our systems to make contact, evaluate processes and generally see that we are ready to transition to distance learning on Day 3.  All contact regarding distance learning is on the Parent and Student guideline pages. All teachers will be online and available as normal school hours following their normal schedules. 
All administration will be working as normal and any issues or clarification please email in the usual way. 
Thank you for all your support and together we will ensure in this unprecedented time that our students will continue to study and learn.  This is all our priorities and your trust and confidence in Heritage International School is very appreciated.

Update: March 10th, 2020 

Following the Ministerial meeting last night and the new instructions from their decision to all schools on Covid 19, Heritage International School is now fully at Level 2 on our Crisis Management Plan and also in accordance with the government's guidelines:
This means:
1) Only Staff and Students of Heritage International School will be allowed into the school buildings. Students will be dropped off and picked up at the main door or the inside door to the Sure Starter/1st Grade (Acorn Centre). Parents wishing to use the Administration corridor for the Finance Office or to pay for lunches at the cafe, need to inform reception first, and will only be allowed briefly into the buildings if they use & provide their own footwear hygiene covers and wear face masks. Between 3-5pm, reception and senior leaders will be in the main reception to ensure younger students are collected safely by their designated person outside the main doors.
2) All deliveries to school will have to stop at the gates and be collected from the gates.  Buses and designated taxis will be allowed onto site to collect students but the drivers will stay inside their vehicles. 
3) Clubs and prep will still run from 3-5pm.  Outside clubs using the schools facilities on a weekend or after 5pm are postponed. Under the Health Ministry's new instructions of no large gatherings, our hosting of World Scholar's Cup on 4/5 April would be postponed under this ruling if this continues but students will still prepare in the club. 
4) Gatherings such as school assemblies, sports fixtures, extra-curricular events such as recitals, will be postponed.
5) Face to face meetings in school will not be possible and arrangements using facetime/skype etc. will have to be the methods until further notice.
6) Students will be instructed in class again about their personal hygiene habits they can practice daily, like regularly washing hands and avoiding personal contact (even the director is going to have to stop daily handshakes and fist bumps under this Level).  We ae all individually responsible here. The school doesn't have hand sanitizer in every classroom but washing with soap and warm water for 30 seconds regularly has proven effective and as supplies of hand sanitizer are very limited and running out, it is recommended that this preventative measure is practiced:
7) The school's Distance Learning Plan is available from the link ( )
8) and we recommend parents check the school's website on Covid 19 regularly:

This is a rapidly escalating issue in Moldova but we are preparing and planning for all eventualities, following the announcements and instructions from the government and we are very grateful in particular to a number of our parents, including Dr Igor Pokanevych, head of the WHO in Moldova, and Simon Springett, Permanent Representative of the UN in Moldova, for their ongoing support and advice to the school and the crisis management team.
We know these measures are far from ideal but we appreciate your full support in making sure we comply and allow our school life to continue and our children receive their education. 
In connection with the declaration of the orange code of infection with COVID-19, the General Directorate of education, youth and sport within the municipality of Chisinau informs about the obligatory actions for public institutions.
In the attention of the heads of the general education institutions (preschool, primary, secondary and extracurricular), in connection with the declaration of the orange code of danger of infection with COVID-19, the General Education, Youth and Sport Directorate of the Chisinau Municipal Council informs about the obligatory actions to be undertaken by employees of educational institutions.
1. Performing the morning epidemiological triage in educational institutions.
2. Examine the children / pupils with suspicious manifestations, ensuring their isolation and supervision by the nurse and informing the parents / guardian or ambulance.
3. Continuous monitoring of students / children who have returned from abroad by the employees of educational institutions.
4. The evidence of the sanitation, according to the sanitary-epidemiological recommendations, of the sanitary blocks, the sports halls, the halls of celebrations and the food blocks through the Control Sheet / Control grid displayed on the door, signed by the responsible person and countersigned by the director. (Annex)
5. Periodic hygiene of surfaces, toys, teaching and sports inventory using detergents and disinfectants.
6. Providing sanitary blocks for students and employees of educational institutions with water, soap, disinfectants and electric dryers or dry wipes.
7. Limiting access to educational institutions of persons outside the institution. In exceptional situations only access with baths and masks is allowed. Parents of kindergarten children are only allowed access to the locker room of their child's group.
8. The organization and participation in extracurricular activities (competitions, competitions, trips, festivals, etc.) is forbidden. The activities in the group / class are organized without the participation of foreign persons in the group / class.
9. Organizing, between March 10 and 13, the activities of informing and training the employees of the educational institutions and the students regarding the measures to prevent the infection with COVID-19. Within the activities of Class and discipline management Personal development will take place Health time (we recommend the materials attached below)
10. In case of identification of sick children / students of acute respiratory infections in educational institutions, immediately inform the Public Health Center and the General Directorate of education, youth and sports (the owners of the educational institutions within the preschool management department, the pre-university management section, direction of education and youth, sports section).
We recommend to students and employees of educational institutions to personally hold dry wipes, wet wipes and antibacterial gel. - this info is from this site.

Latest School Update on the Coronavirus

We are continuing to monitor closely the rapidly developing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and assess its potential impact on Heritage International School.  According to our Crisis Management Plan, we are now between Level 1 and 2 (low to moderate risk). We are taking all possible precautions and reviewing the situation on a daily basis with guidance from the World Health Organisation, the Moldovan Government & the European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Self-Quarantine at Heritage International School

  • If you or any member of your household experiences symptoms of fever, coughing, sore throat, and shortness of breath, you must report it immediately to your regular doctor and self-exclude for a period of 14 days.

  • If you or any member of your household has returned from any of the following areas, you should not return to school for a period of 14 days: China, Japan, South Korea, or Iran.

  • Italy. The situation in Italy is changing rapidly. Any member of the school community that has visited any area in Northern Italy should closely monitor their health and self-isolate. As we know families are already doing, please err on the side of caution and contact Mrs Inga Chiosa if you have any questions. As of 6th March, should any member of the community return from - or be in close contact with anyone returning from - Northern Italy, they will automatically be required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days.

  • Please inform school of absence on the absence email, and we are going to share this week our Distance Learning Plan, which will ensure school work and progress in learning does not suffer.

Heritage International School Crisis Management Matrix: Coronavirus

Useful links: 
United Nations Moldova
World Health Organization 
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova

Please see bellow and show your kids these diagrams on health hygiene awareness:

Please follow this flow chart if you are unsure about self-quarantine and being in school:

It is really important that all of us speak constantly to our children to ensure they get into the good hygiene habits needed.  We will also talk to students about Covid 19 to ensure there is an age appropriate understanding & it is proportionate as we avoid the hysteria that is in so much of the media.

We would recommend at home you have a look at this article when you talk to your own children:

Thank you for all your support as together we deal with this as a school community taking the necessary precautions, being prepared and ensuring we continue with the day to day of educating our amazing students.
