
Heritage student success, along with over a quarter of a million global learners, celebrates its 2nd Cambridge IGCSE Results

18 august 2022

After an extraordinary year of learning and education, a week after Heritage’s 1st ever A Level results, the resilience and tenacity of our young people came to the fore again when today our Grade 10 Gymnasium students celebrated their IGCSE results with over a quarter of a million students around the World. 

Cambridge is by far, the most popular international curriculum globally. Heritage is the only international school in Moldova that is Cambridge accredited, with over 25 nationalities composing its student body.

The results for Heritage are extremely impressive, especially considering this cohort of students have experienced over 2 years of Covid disruption and now the war in Ukraine since February and the knock on effects to Moldova. The Cambridge Team has been ably led by our outgoing Head of Cambridge, Mrs. Liliana Pulbere, along with our Academic Director, Mrs. Inga Chiosa, and Cambridge Exams Officer and new Head of Cambridge, Mr. Anjum Shabbir.

The school has achieved a remarkable pass rate of 99.8%. The very top grades of A*-A were 28.6% , A*-B, 45.3% and A*-C 65%. These international exams are some of the toughest to study and this is measured globally against the best students and schools around the World.

There are a number of outstanding individual successes for students including a number of students achieving a remarkable set of results at the highest level against over a quarter of million global students with all grade A*-As. These students include recipients of the Heritage scholarship and this gives access to students from across Moldova to our global academic curriculum & qualifications.

Subject success includes Math with 43% of all grades at A* and 51% A*-A.  French grades were 22% A*, German were at 33% A*. Science achieved A*-A 32% and Global Perspectives 29% A*-A.

Most students will now go on to complete Grade 11 and take their place in our Lyceum, the new building being constructed right now to provide one of the most modern educational places of post 16 learning in Moldova and the region. With their A Levels, students will apply to universities around the world and here in Moldova. 

These two weeks of international Cambridge exam results stand as a remarkable achievement for the vision of the two school Founders, Mrs. Natalia Cecetova and Mr. Sinan Bora. This September, the new Lyceum construction gets underway at Heritage to provide a 21st World Class state of the art campus for A Level students. The school is also celebrating its 5th year anniversary as it continues “Going Strong; Going Forward; Going Global” as an innovative international school here in Moldova.

“There are so many individual stories behind these fantastic second IGCSE results for Heritage.  The students are extraordinary, the pressures they have been under and how they have coped with everything that is going on around them.  Our Heritage families have supported their children and the school to ensure we have kept education at the centre of all we do for certainty in their world.  Finally, the brilliant teachers and support staff of Heritage are a remarkable, dedicated team, from all corners of the world, as well as Moldova, and on special days in education like this one, this is why we are in education working with young people for their futures and a better world. I am so proud of our school community”. Rob Ford, Director

Details for our Cambridge International Lyceum & Admissions can be found here:

Cambridge International Press release here:

Further contact on this press release can be found at this email:

Grade 11 last autumn celebrating the first ever Cambridge IGCSEs for Heritage and Moldova at a special graduation ceremony.

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